講題:Python Table Manners: Cut the Cookie Gracefully
費用: 免費
日期:2020/08/31 (一)
地點:文藻外語大學 W001 教室
Want to build a standard workflow of Python project for your team? This talk is for you! I'll introduce a dozen tools that can help enhance the quality of your project. By leveraging tools, you can get rid of the repetitive and tedious tasks and focus on higher-level software design. In the end, I'll combine all these tools and make it a workflow that can be easily followed and adjusted to any software project.
Programming is not just about writing runnable codes but writing maintainable and extensible applications. Besides the general design issue, many code quality aspects need to take care, such as PEP 8, test coverage, security, etc. Manually checking them can be time-consuming and error-prone for both writers and reviewers. Thus, I'd like to introduce tools that can help us with each of these checkings.
In this talk, you will hear a brief introduction of over a dozen tools. By leveraging these tools, we get rid of the repetitive and tedious tasks and focus on higher-level software design.
* Clean up the table - Dependency Management
* Put the correct tablewares - Testing
* Use the tablewares elegantly - Coding Style
* Mnemonic phrase - Task management
* Say please! - Check before git operation
* Speak formally - Cultivate a git commit convention
* Safety matters - Security Issues Where's the Cookie? - Project template
19:00~19:30 會前交流
19:30~21:00 主題分享
21:00~21:30 Q & A
Wei Lee is a software engineer at Rakuten Slice, and now also a volunteer of PyCon TW. Being a lazy engineer, he is passionate about automating anything. Mainly use Python for automating trivial stuff, backend development, and maybe building some data pipelines. Love traveling, use PyCon as an excuse to explore the world . Have been to PyCon TW
, PyCon US
, PyCon JP
, PyCon CA
, Remote Python Pizza
and EuroPython
Speaker Links:
Personal Website: https://lee-w.github.io/
Twitter: @clleew